Conveners Needed!

We need conveners in the following states and are looking for volunteers! If you have a love for your Gordon heritage and want to get to know like minded people in your area, then consider The House of Gordon USA as a great non-profit to get involved with!
We are looking for conveners in Arizona, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, and Virginia areas!
Also, if the state you live in currently has a convener, consider volunteering to help them out, as much or as little as you like. Mark Todd, Washington State Convener, is looking for help for some of the events. Barbara Gordon Wray in South Carolina would love to have help at the tent and with the Parade of Tartans/Clans if anyone would like to help out. Our Alaska Convener, Laurel Osborne would definitely appreciate some help setting up and breaking down at her games!
If you would like to help set up or shut down, contact your convener! There are always opportunities for members to get involved with the House of Gordon USA.
Don’t see a convener for your area? Contact our Convener Coordinator, Robert Gordon to become one today!