Welcome to House of Gordon USA
Welcome to the House of Gordon USA! We are the families of the Scottish Clan Gordon in the United States of America. Our mission is to preserve and promote our unique heritage and Celtic culture, as we enjoy the fellowship and support of family and friends. Come Join Us at the House of Gordon Tent!
The Gordon name is synonymous with the rich history of Scotland and furthermore dates back to the 11th Century. It is certainly a name to be proud of and deserves your interest and support. The Board of Directors of House of Gordon USA therefore invites you to join our Clan Society.

Who’s a Gordon?
Adam, Adams, Adamson, Addie, Adie, Addison, Aiken, Aitchison, Aitken, Akin, Atken, Atkin, Atkins, Atkinson, Badenoch, Barrie, Boyne, Brisbane, Connon, Connor, Craig, Cromb, Crombie, Cullen, Culane, Darg, Darge, Dorwald, Dorward, Duff, Durward, Eadie, Edison, Eddie, Edie, Esslemont, Garioch, Garrick, Garriock, Geddes, Gerrie, Gordon, Gardiner, Gardner, Huntley, Huntly, Jessiman, Jopp, Jupp, Laing, Lang, Laurie, Lawrie, Leng, Ling, Lowry, Macadam, Mallett, Manteach, Mar, Marr, Maver, Mavor, Meldrum, Mill, Mills, Miline, Milles, Miln, Milne, Milner, Milnes, Moir, Moore, More, Morrice, Morris, Muir, Mylne, Steel, Steele, Teal, Teall, Tod, Todd, Tough, & Troup.
What we do…
Enrich our growing community.
We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to create, stimulate, and sustain an interest in Scotland, it’s history, traditions and culture; to bring together people of Gordon heritage; to promote goodwill and understanding among its members and the general public; and above all to perform charitable works.
How can you help?
Take support to the next level.
Stop by and support your local Convener by attending an event in your area. They are always looking for visitors or someone to take over the booth so they can grab a bite to eat or use the restroom. Walk in the Clan Parade with them and be sure to shout Bydand! when the Gordons are announced. Take and share photos! The conveners get so caught up with educating that they oftentimes don’t have time to take pictures.
Who we are…
Learn about being in the House
All persons bearing the name Gordon or bearing one of the names of a Sept of the Gordons; descendants of the Gordons or their Septsmen; those who served in the Gordon Highlanders and their families; supporters of the Chief including those who wear the Gordon Tartan with his permission; and all those with a special knowledge and interest in the Gordon history and tradition, who wish to take out a bond of manrent.