Welcome to the House of Gordon Annual General Meeting (AGM)!

Our Annual General Meeting is a great time for Gordon’s across the nation to get together and commiserate. It is also a wonderful time to discuss the future of the organization. Like most of our gatherings, it’s a family reunion.

The AGM is coming to the West Coast!

For the first time in over a decade, the House of Gordon USA AGM is coming to the West Coast! On August 31st at 2pm, we will be hosting the AGM at the 158th Scottish Highland Gathering and Games in Pleasanton, California. These games are held at the Alameda County Fairgrounds and are California’s largest and longest-running Scottish Games. Our local convener for these games is our one and only Secretary Phil Gardner!

For more information about these games or to purchase your tickets visit their site here.

For all information regarding our past AGM meetings, visit the Archives page.