Welcome to the House of Gordon Annual General Meeting (AGM)!

We are excited to announce our House of Gordon AGM for the 2025-2026 fiscal year will be held at the 50th New Hampshire Highland Games & Festival! Your conveners for these games are excited to be hosting the AGM and have already started making plans. Rob and Kathy are encouraging us to book early if you are planning on staying a few days as places fill up fast.

These games are being held at the Loon Mountain Resort in the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire on September 19-21, 2025 from 8am to 5pm. The address is 60 Loon Mountain Rd, Lincoln, NH 03251. We encourage you to go to their website at to start making your plans.

Gordons in the New England area, eastern Canada, New York, Pennsylvania, and the mid-Atlantic area, this is a great opportunity to see your House of Gordon USA organization in action and make your mark.

This is a voting year and Jen Mills Martin has announced she is stepping down as President so we are encouraging all our members to come and see her off!

As usual for the AGM we are providing lunch for our members on Saturday. We will be announcing the exact time for the meeting later but it will be on Saturday September 20th. This will be the first time the House of Gordon AGM will be held at these fames! Come on out and get involved with the House! Bydand!

For all information regarding our past AGM meetings, visit the Archives page.