2007 AGM
Welcome to the House of Gordon USA 2007 AGM!
AGM 2007 Brief President’s Report
Our very successful 2007 AGM was held on July 14 in the Chief’s Tent at the Grandfather Mt. Highland Games. It was well attended by officers and members and a quorum was very obviously present. As is our style, we had completed considerable groundwork before the meeting so that reports were concise and did not waste everyone’s time. Even with that, however, we had a small amount of business that needed to be concluded at the Valle Cruces picnic Saturday evening.
We led off with the reading of the 2006 Minutes which were easily adopted. In my President’s report which followed, I acknowledged that not everything we planned to carry out following that 2006 Organizational AGM went as smoothly as we had hoped. Due to a variety of glitches, it took several months for Webmaster Lois Todd to post the National website you see online today. The resignation of Board Member and right hand man Windy Gordon was a blow. We are indebted to Windy and his leadership through some difficult transitional times and we wish he and Heather success and Godspeed as they navigate the difficult waters of new business and higher education. The filing of our 501(c)(3) and Bylaws was a challenge eventually taken up by ourselves and Ken Hendrix of Fresno, CA–and Ken was then named Treasurer (with much thanks to Lucretia Gordon who handled those chores single-handedly for years). Ken is an accountant and tax professional who eased the paperwork through to where we have our IRS EIN number. Contributions to HofG USA are now tax deductible as permitted by law. Read the rest of John’s report with a great summary of event highlights!
Communications Committee Report 2007
Good Afternoon fellow Gordons! I am sorry that I wasn’t able to be present this weekend for our Annual General Membership Meeting. Unfortunately the timing at work was such that I have to be in Richmond.
We have had an exciting year with some ups and downs on the communication front. The logistics of getting the content management software to remain stable and work the way we wanted it to work have presented the greatest challenge for our proposed web portal. I have designed and created a traditional website for us that has some great features and custom graphics, and which has received very positive remarks. We are still looking into the possibilities of including the content management software on our site to make it possible to have greater interactive capabilities, and are hoping to be able to find a template that we can customize to suit our needs and maintain the look that we have created.
I have created a map with our districts and regions which directly link to each district’s page. Each district or region has contact and schedule information as well as space for their latest news. For those regions with their own websites, I have provided links directly to their websites on their USA page as well. In addition we have an events page which allows visitors to the website to pull an extensive and fairly comprehensive listing by geographic area or by date. So if you are planning a trip and want to know where and when Celtic events are going to be it is all there, including at which venues we will be hosting a Gordon tent! Each event is also linked to the official website for that event on our events calendars both on the district pages and the events page making it easy for you to get all of the pertinent information. We have also incorporated PayPal which gives you the opportunity to securely pay your dues or make donations to the House of Gordon USA with your credit card from a link on the website! Read the full report with some great talking points for your Clan Tent!
Convener Chair Report 2007
The Committee of Commissioners & Conveners met just prior to the House of Gordon Annual Membership Meeting (AGM) at the Games’ Chiefs Tent. The meeting attendance included Roger J. Mills, H of G Vice President, Morris Gordon, Mid-Atlantic States Commissioner, Kenny Prather, Texas Commissioner and Tom Adams, Southwest Commissioner.
The House of Gordon USA Clan Society has initiated a reorganization of its “state convener” function. Read more on the direction the Clan is moving and how you can help!
Read the Minutes from the 2007 AGM
Read the BYLAWS approved at the AGM
Above Left: Evelyn Gordon received the Lifetime Service Award.
Above Center: The tent was hopping with visitors.
Above Right: David Todd, Cameron Ferguson, Barbara Wray & Geof Baker — Geof liberally passed around the Cock O’ The North as part of his Virginia hospitality!
Above Left: President John Lowry and Lu Gordon get a moment to sit and share some pictures.
Above Right: Our Commissioners, Kenny Prather, Morris Gordon and Tom Adams discussing area divisions.
Above Left: The Gordons prepare to march in the Parade of Tartans!
Above Center: The Officers are sworn in.
Above Right: Good food and fellowship at the annual picnic was a perfect end of the day!
Photos Copyright 2007 David B Todd: All Rights Reserved, used with permission.